
How to Tell if LASIK is Right for You

January 4, 2021
A patient getting her eyes checked as a doctor controls the eye exam equipment.

If your eyesight is less than stellar and you’re tired of wearing glasses and contact lenses, you may have thought about LASIK eye surgery and wondered if this would be the right choice for you. You’ll have to consult with your eye doctor first to be sure, but we can tell you a little bit about the process and what to expect.

What to Know About LASIK?

  1. There is very little pain and discomfort associated with the procedure due to the numbing drops used.
  2. LASIK is very good at correcting vision? About 96 percent of patients achieve their desired vision after LASIK, with enhancements boosting this number, says WebMD.
  3. Vision can be corrected immediately or at least by the day after.
  4. After LASIK, most patients experience a dramatic reduction in the need for eyeglasses or contact lenses, if they even need them at all.
  5. You can make adjustments years after LASIK to further correct vision if you experience additional vision changes as you get older.
  6. After LASIK, most patients experience a dramatic reduction in the need for eyeglasses or contact lens, if they even need them at all.
  7. No stitches or bandages are required after surgery.

Does LASIK Mean No More Contacts?

In many cases, yes. LASIK surgery greatly reduces the need for all kinds of eyewear, including contacts. Its purpose is not to restore 20/20 vision in all patients, but many do, or even to 20/15. This surgery isn’t always perfect, though. Two-thirds of patients still must wear glasses or contacts occasionally and in some capacity. About 80 percent of patients say they are fully satisfied with their experience.

What to Expect

The surgeon will make a small incision with a laser across your cornea, which leaves a flap over its surface. Once that flap is lifted, they will use a second laser to reshape the cornea as desired so it can better retract light along the retina, situated at the back of the eye.

While you may have been scared off from the procedure after hearing that lasers are used in the process, it’s really not as scary as all that. It’s not painful, either. This is the very reason LASIK is so popular these days, as it’s associated with little pain and discomfort, if anything.

Your surgeon will give you numbing drops prior to surgery, just like prescription or over-the-counter eye drops you may be used to. They contain a local anesthetic that helps to numb the eye. Once you blink after the drops are put in, they start to infiltrate your whole eye. But ONLY your eyeball will feel numb, not your face or even your eyelids

The one thing you may feel during the procedure is when the surgeon uses a speculum to open your eye.

LASIK is a quick and painless procedure. It takes just less than a minute. After he or she is done, the surgeon lowers the flap and you can go home. No stitches, bandages or pain meds, and no restrictions on normal activity.

Contact Simon Eye

If you would like to learn more about LASIK and if it’s right for you, contact us today at 302-239-1933.

Want to learn more about LASIK?

Make an appointment with Simon Eye for a LASIK consultation.
